- Expandable from 1 to 12 loops
- Connection to the repeater panels via RS422, Fibre-Optic or TCP/IP Chameleon interfaces
- Maximum 125 devices per loop (500 devices per Node)
- Up to 95 VULCAN 2 (addressable) ultra low current base sounders (32 address limit) per loop
- 32 individually programmable sounder addresses per loop
- Full Self-Addressing Device support
- Max. 6 Fire output relays (change-over) and 3 Fault relay (NC)
- Max. 6 conventional alarm outputs (individually programmable)
- Fully monitored loops for high integrity OC / SC
- 384 fully programmable zones across all loops
- 512 fully programmable sounder groups, across all loops
- 512 I/O groups across all loops
- Built-in printer (optional)
- Available with ZEOS digital protocol
- Compatible with all ancillary modules
- Programming by integrated tactile keypad or Connected PC software (WIN - MAC compatible)
- Multiple language support (menu selectable)
- Optional Integrated 128 LED fire zone indications (available in blocks of 64 LEDs)
- Installer friendly Auto-learn facility