Cutting Threaded Rods M6, M8, M10 i M12.
Special forged tool steel,
- replaceable forged jaws – entirely hardened
and tempered.
- cutting jaws additionally hardened and tempered
to increase durability. Cutting shears handle
as a powder painted tube with plastic holders
at the ends.
Additional information
- possibility of threaded rod cutting in three different diameters,
- precise and fast cutting without burrs,
- thread stays undamaged while cutting,
- easy to use with comfortable handle,
- cutting shears arms of appropriate length for easy rod cutting
with minimal effort,
- simple way of cutting shears opening .
Important notes while cutting:
1. When cutting on floor press the handle with a foot.
2. Cutting shears designed only for cutting threaded rod M6,M8,M10
and M12.
3. Cutting shears are not designed for cutting
hardened rods, or pins.
4. In worn out Cutting shears it is enough to replace two cutting jaws
- with possible replacement of a single and worn out cutting jaw.